

“Party in the Desert”


Dear You,
Dear Lovely People,

Whoever you are, should you be a Diva, a Unicorn, a Sponsor, a Leathered Furry Bear (Woof!), a Creator, an Artist, a Model, a DJ, a Glittered Creature, a Non-profit organization, a Sex-Worker, a Wo/-Man, a Furry, a Non-labeled, an Ally, or all of that altogether, this place is your Home.
We all are here to celebrate a moment of fun and happiness, handmade by Love by the Community for the Community.

This Manifesto aims to depict our layout.
Thank you for coming. And be welcome.
This place is yours.

With Love,
For the Pride,

The whole Pride Festival 3.0 Team,
Dimitri Cloud a.k.a. Sister Juicy Mango.


First thing first: why a Pride Festival?

A Pride has many aspects. Let’s remember them.

It is at first a remembrance of our common history. About the fights we led and still have to lead to promote the well-being of our Community. We won’t forget June 28th commemoration.

It is a moment of meeting and sharing, and we can do that simply by being together.

It is a space to glorify in the variety of Human Beings, to promote the so many ways of expression the Individuals of our Community represent.
It is a Place where everybody has the right to express who they are.

It is melting pot where we all have the opportunity to know each other; from this knowledge comes the wisdom and the avoidance of judgment or misunderstanding.

It is a living workshop designed to let us learn, receive, give. In a word to exchange.

And maybe more?!

Pride Festival 2020: We.Are.Fire.

In short: this place is yours, the journey will be done by all of us, the engine of that will be love.

For this third edition, the Pride Festival will aim more than ever to promote values and mottos.
And we will do that nested under a sweet sunny atmosphere in a floating soothing desert setting.

This year 2020 was marked by maybe the biggest event of our generation: the COVID19 pandemic. We all were touched and affected in some way or another by it.
Many countries and cities were obliged to cancel RL Pride events.
It makes even more sense now to celebrate Pride here on our favorite interactive platform Second Life.

Our aim is that this place is the one where you can bring your desires, your envy, your pain, your feelings, your happiness, your sadness, your glitters, your high heels, your leather boots, or anything else you wish to bring to it.
Pride Festival is a place where you can feel free to express who you are, way beyond what society would define as gender, orientation, beauty and ugliness.

Bring your creativity, your dreams, your love. In exchange maybe you will find something useful to you? That is our wish for you.
It would be an honor for us if you would come as who you are, bringing with you what is on your mind, in your heart and thoughts.

During these five days, we will celebrate and share this warm energy together through Art: with music, creations, pictures, fashion, talks, meetings, workshops and much more.
All of these are rewards. And all of that is based on a taste for passion and perfection.

Creators, sponsors, supporters, designers, artists, individuals, visitors, non-profits brought their best to make this possible. We already warmly thank them.

This year, we are also blessed to welcome three non-profit organizations: The American Cancer Society, Survivors of Suicide and Arcigay.
And of course, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence will be ready in the corner to push the big-red-button of the Glitter-bombs during the festivities.

A fund-raising will be had during the Festival, proceeds will be donated to Arcigay to support one of their projects. Arcigay website

Our Values and Commitments

During these five upcoming days, we hope to share and sublimate values together.

Knowledge, exchange and respect.
As you step in, feel free to bring your knowledge, your materials, your passions.
To know each other, to learn from each other, to share.
All of this enlighten our condition (as a very good glossy lipstick would do :-)).

Yes, we sometimes live in a jungle, a world where maybe a lack of communication can lead to misunderstandings and wig fights. Let’s take a minute to think and maybe use respect as a tool to shapeshift things. It sounds mandatory.

Breaking the loneliness: the strength of a group.
Community building is the leitmotiv.

This Community should be shaped by your family, relatives, your friends, your lovers or anyone you want to connect with. Because looking at is already caring.

As usual, a special thought for the ones hidden in the dark, with their loneliness, their pain. We went recently to a major event Worldwide (Covid-19), and more than ever, it reminded us how important it is to be live wisely together and be wise together.

And Second Life is also a perfect and safe platform to rally ourselves. Possibilities are almost endless.

Because we are stronger all together. To exchange, to share, to respect. That’s what makes us Human.

But keeping a place neutral requires responsibility, individually and as a group.
There will be no room for concurrency and disrupt, disrespect and shame, stigmatization nor exclusion and nor for pinkwashing.

Pride Festival remains a non-profit event. Period.
Documents (budgets, incomes, outcomes, donations) are publicly accessible.
Tips and donations will be proceeded to non-profit organizations either in Second Life or in Real Life.

The more important point!
You engage to have fun, it’s almost a commitment 🙂
Glorying the preciousness of Human being as embodying(sublimating it) this as partying during those five days of activities and festivities.
And let’s do that seriously, but without taking us too seriously 🙂

And more?
Hey you, yes You!
Would you want to bring something more to those lines, please, please do it.
It is OUR Pride we gonna celebrate, and everyone is welcome to contribute to the building of those vibrations. This is an open book and let’s write this story together.